Microchip tag

A tag with a microchip called "accessible reading" will revolutionize the label printing industry. At the same time, this electronic label will bring reform and promotion to the modern logistics industry.

The use of barcodes to replace the text markings on the shipping and sales packaging has put labels into the age of machine recognition. However, the reading of bar code information must be accessible, which obviously has a lot of inconvenience in piles of goods.

The latest electronic tag (ELECTRONICTAGGINC) is composed of tiny microchips that send information over the air and can be recognized by machines a few feet away, and there are no reading obstacles.

At present, a small number of companies in Europe use this type of label. They are most commonly used in clothing store warehouses and paperless order management. 2 For the modern logistics industry, many experts believe that it will provide unlimited room for the rationalization of goods. The tag technology makes it possible for every cargo individual to carry an electronic shipping contract with him, and all kinds of information can be monitored without opening the package. So when this kind of label appeared on the May 24th International Logistics Exposition in Munich, Germany, it immediately attracted attention.

Now researchers are faced with the task of how to design smaller, more flexible, and more importantly, cheaper "tags" faster, because people in the industry want to stick this kind of smarter labels than ordinary bar codes to everyday On the ordinary goods.

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