Summer oily skin oil control tips

Summer oily skin oil control tips

The headache in summer is not only the hot weather, but also the sweating rate caused by the heat, and the sweating caused by sweating. Summer oil control should always be ready to teach you how to control oil, make your skin refreshed, and make you confident all the time.

The reason for skin acne is that the skin is oily and not thoroughly cleaned, which will cause excessive oily accumulation in the pores, causing pores to clog, and dirt that cannot be eliminated in time is very likely to cause acne and acne. In addition, if your skin oil is like eating greasy food or staying up late, life is irregular and other factors, then another consequence of these causes is acne.

At this time, in addition to the use of skin care products with deep oil control and acne conditioning, normal work and diet are also very important. If you have a strong internal fire, it is very easy to get acne oil, often drink chrysanthemum heat tea can be adjusted inside to improve the prevention of acne and acne. However, if your condition is caused by endocrine disorders, you are advised to see a doctor and ask him to help you with scientific conditioning.

Some tips for oily skin oil removal


Wash your face twice a day with a mild, water-soluble cleansing product. Cleansing products should be thoroughly rinsed thoroughly, leaving no residue, free of dry skin cleansers such as sodium lauryl sulfate (to make the skin too dry and not good), and more fragrance-free (the fragrance is irritating to the skin) .


A lotion rich in antioxidants, cell-conducting factors but not alcohol is an important step in skin care for oily skin. The lotion added with these ingredients helps the skin to revitalize and reduce the inflammatory response, thus reducing pores, removing the last trace of dead skin cells and makeup residue, and preventing pores from clogging.


Exfoliating is one of the most important skin care steps for oily skin. The dead skin cells accumulated on the surface of oily skin are thicker than normal people, and the inner wall of the pores will also thicken. Exfoliation removes this layer of dead skin cells, clears pores, removes whiteheads, and smoothes the skin.


Even if you are oily skin, you need to use sunscreen to prevent wrinkles and reduce acne marks. If you are unwilling to use because the sunscreen is too greasy, the following products we recommend will make your impression of sunscreen greatly improved.


Nighttime moisturizing uses clear liquids, gels or essences that do not contain pore-clogging ingredients; moisturizers should also contain essential nutrients such as antioxidants, cell-conducting factors and skin-repairing ingredients necessary to maintain skin's health.

Oil absorption

Although you have already done other oil control work, you may need to use oil-absorbing products from time to time. This step is not essential, but many oily skin friends find oil-absorbing products useful. Our trick is to first remove excess oil with oil-absorbing paper and then apply a little sunscreen powder.

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