Digital Frontend Trend

Network and web-based marketing continue to evolve at a turbulent pace - we can see some positive changes, and we can also see some negative changes - the following are the results of our observations:
1. Publishers eventually began charging for high-quality brand content. This is still difficult to achieve, but we have found that many publishers of newsletters begin to charge data subscribers 30 to 100 dollars per year. And most importantly, many people have finally begun to accept the requirement to pay for high quality content.
2. Contrary to popular belief, the center of the network is no longer San Francisco, Tokyo, Washington, Vatican City, Seattle, London, or Austin - the network is spread all over the world, with no center. We now have more and more people using the Internet. It is becoming a global media, market space and information highway.
3. The business model promoted by e-commerce brings more and more good news. A recently published survey (Boston Consulting Group & eShop, Boston Consulting Group and e-business) shows that the cost of customer demand information has declined. .
4. Adobe has pushed the PDF format as the standard for the web. At present, many websites have added Acrobat PDF activation functions to their websites. Since this format was originally developed for printing documents, it is not a standard format for HTML. Therefore, this format does not work properly in many websites, especially for those who have slow connections or want to open many web pages.
5. Pop-up pages and fluttering pages are still increasing, and it is estimated that 50% of websites above these websites use such pages.
6. Selectable application of e-mail functionality is becoming commonplace, reflecting the website's ability to handle rich media content - the HTML format has quickly become the standard in many e-mail companies, and some streamlined audio and video plug-in components have gradually become involved, and even have The integrated voice e-mail (YesMail has announced it). However, as these conversion trends gradually decline, the available e-mails are gradually becoming a propaganda tool.
7. The newsletter has become the main method of communication with customers, mainly through advertising inserts to obtain revenue, and promote a brand into the market. Now companies such as Microsoft have introduced application service provider (ASP) solutions to the market to ensure that smaller or larger companies can manage all aspects of the newsletter market through browsers.
8. There is no doubt that the network is maturing. Although there was a media outbreak some time ago a few years ago, there are still four major companies: AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Napster.
9. Traditional media are also experiencing the same downturn. Advertising agencies also continue to inspect the market conditions, and the amount of advertising also has some losses.
10. Mini-Ads, Full-Screen Post-Advertisements - Regardless of the language you plan to use to describe those nasty gap advertisements, they are still being launched on various websites.

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