Playing card printing glazing device

Patent name: Playing card printing glazing device Patent application number.1 Publication number: 2638987
Application Date: 2003.07.18 Public Day: 2004.09.08
Applicant: Gao Huarui The utility model relates to a printing machine, in particular to a playing card printing and glazing device, which comprises a vertical and horizontal cutting and card cutting mechanism and a receiving table of a winding paper splicing table. The utility model is characterized in that the paper binding table is connected with a base glaze polishing mechanism and a plastic light-glazing mechanism, and a positive and negative printing mechanism is connected between the base paste polishing mechanism and the plastic light-glazing mechanism, thereby effectively utilizing. The necessary time difference between the base coat polishing and the plastic glazing is used to perform the positive and negative printing of the playing cards. The continuous uninterrupted mechanized printing of the roll paper playing cards saves time and labor, occupies a small area, wastes less paper edge, and has high efficiency. ,low cost.

Source: Printed Today

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