The Auspicious Implication of "Auspicious Pattern" (7)

Some of the “auspicious designs” are related to the people’s social life conditions or living environment with the astronomical, meteorological, and even seasonal, especially the themes that express the signs of Jiaqing:

(1) "Sanyang Kaitai" also serves as "Sanyang Kaitai", also known as "Sanyang Jiaotai". "Easy" takes October as the symbol of Kunyu and pure yin. November is rejuvenation, and one yang is born in the next; winter goes to spring, yin yang, long, like Jiheng. Therefore, the words “Sanyang Kaitai” or “Sanyang Jiaotai” are celebrated as their first year of speech. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, this was auspicious patterns. There are many ways of expression, the common one is to embroider the sun on the one side, flow clouds, one side embroidered stone, bamboo, plum all kinds of flowers; the middle embroidered three sheep. With "sheep", "yang" and "too" are all homonyms, and the word "sheep" is the "xiang" ancient word for "good luck." Therefore, at the beginning of the new year, the auspicious meaning of the recovery of all things.

(2) "Happy early spring", also known as "report to spring", "happy early spring." The magpie habitats on the branch of Lamei, leading the neck and chanting to form a pattern. Lamei is the flower of winter and is usually open at the turn of winter and spring. It is known as the "prime of spring flowers" and it is known as early spring. The popular magpie is a Swiss bird and is known as a folk song of “Pleasant and Happy Events”.

(3) "Six contract springs", also known as "Luhe with spring." “Liuhe” refers to the east, west, south, north, and heaven and earth. It refers to the universe. In the same spring, it means celebrating and celebrating. It is usually patterned with "sika deer," "crane," "Sycamore," and "green pine."

(4) "Vientiane update", "Elephant" pots and pots "evergreen" constitute a pattern, take Guotai Min'an, the prosperity and prosperity of the auspicious meaning.

(5) "Fengdang Fengdeng" was evolved from the Northern Song Dynasty lantern brocade (alias Qingfeng year). It placed lanterns (or lanterns) in the lotus flower. "Lamp", "Deng", "Bee" and "Feng" all have homophonic sounds, and they have good morals and good harvest.

(6) "More than a year in a row" is patterned with "Lotus" and "Catfish." "Lian" and "Lian", "Fish" and "Yu" are all homophonic. The borrowings are all auspicious and abundant. It is also true that the boy holds a lotus as a hug-like person.

(7) "Jiangshan Wandai" is patterned with the words "river water", "hill stone" and "".

(8) "Water in the Sea of ​​El Gia" is also called "Sea Water". "Tooth" or "bud". Twill and corrugated composition of seawater, upright sharp mountain rocks, to take "unified mountains and rivers", "the rising sun", "Everything is flattering" auspicious meaning. In addition, there are "One Thousand Years", "Changchun in Heaven and Earth", "Changchun in Four Seasons", "Changchun in Four Seasons", "Landscape in Heaven" (Patterns of "Tianzhu" and "Pumpkin"), and "He Wannian" (in two "Lily" and a box of "Springs of Years" constitute a pattern), "Climax on the cake" and so on.

In short, the auspicious patterns of the Ming and Qing Dynasties were extremely rich, and their auspicious symbols and their aesthetic implications were also extremely rich and extensive, and they involved almost every aspect of people’s social life. It is evident from the above that some of the aspects listed are merely representative of the big picture. The auspicious patterns of expression techniques and composition styles are intended to be used in another article to be analyzed and explored. (From CAI Zikai: A Brief Discussion on the Auspicious Implications of the "Auspicious Pattern" of the Aesthetic Culture of Cizhou Kiln, the author is a researcher of Hebei Academy of Social Sciences)

1 See Jin Cuibao's "Ancient and Modern Note."
2 "Shu (masking) painting", bright-colored paintings, written by Ming Yang Shen, "Principals, Leads, and Collected Books." Things such as gorgeous. Qing Na Lan Xingde, "" Shaxi "," the word: "a thick water, such as paintings, a number of peaks without glare and eye-hui. "The author thinks that those who are "squeaky" cover up and cover also, that is, the repeated painting of "fine brushwork" in Chinese paintings, so the colors are bright and colorful.
3 "Ruyi", artifact name. Bamboo, wood, bone, horn, jade, stone, copper, iron, coral and other materials made of long two, three feet Xu, end of the first finger-like, used to tickle, can be wishful, hence the name. Later evolved into a kind of ornamental object, the first appeared ganoderma lucidum or clouds. "Arts and literature classes" volume 70 series "Hu Qiao Bi Biography", Qing Weijie essays "Sericulture Excerpt" volume ten and so on.
4 Qing Wuzhen wrote "Yijiu Zhai Conglu" volume seven.
5 People Chongzheng "Records from the Morning and the Dawn in Dao Xian,"
6 Tang Wangjian: The poem “Leisure”.
7 "Taro (margin), that is to say, a small tree or a large shrub, with short thorns, oval leaves, flowers with purple, oval fruit, yellow, thick and fragrant skin, for viewing. "Qi Min To skill "Volume Ten Han Hanfu essays "foreign body": "Hey, like orange, ... ... skin has a fragrant, taste is not the United States. ”