"Show" Out Packing Charm in Promotions

Leverage of promotional areas
Packaging must be able to make changes, it needs to change because if we often shop in a store, when we walk around in the mall, we may turn a blind eye to the surrounding products. ”

Williams explained: "But you must also be careful, because it can't be intrusive. It's a balance between provoking yourself and unpleasant people."

In any retail store, the packaging of products in the sales promotion area is sufficient to attract the attention of shoppers. One example is the "value wall" approach adopted by Midwest Foods. It built a special area near the front door. The "energy trail" used by Wal-Mart in the promotion area is another good example.

Malt-O-Meal, Minnesota, has taken full advantage of these opportunities in these promotional areas. The company is the largest packaging supplier of bagged cereals in the United States. It has used display transport boxes with beautifully colored graphics as promotional techniques.

The largest Malt-O-Meal container is packed with 72 bags of cereal, each in a four-box package on a standard department store pallet. In this way they become independent promotional displays, and retailers need only put them in the promotion area.

Colorful images attract people's attention. The entire transport box is covered with a color image of the grain, which is a good poster on the aisles of the store. This is the brand of this product, and it is also its main selling point. Color images increase costs, but according to Malt-O-Meal, more sales can offset the increased costs.

According to Williams' observation: “We live in an era where we need to shout loudly. Packaging providers must introduce influential display packages that can be a reason to buy. Prices are certainly effective, but they must do something else. ”

Keeping it simple is a feature of Method's product packaging.

Keep it simple
“Consumers may be surrounded by a large amount of information,” Williams said. “The more information they get, the more things they need to understand. If we provide a product to consumers, it will be printed in a tiny way. The text makes it very complicated, so the consumers can only remember these small words and then they will give up buying.”

William provided an example of how simple packaging can promote sales, which is San Francisco's Method Products cleaning product. Starting with the production of dishwashing liquids in 2002, the company has grown to become a major manufacturer supplying major retail outlets such as Target, Albertsons, Rite Aid and Wegmans.

Its first packaging is a dishwashing liquid, a simple, straightforward container designed by Karim Rashid. Since then, the company has extended simple concepts to household cleaning products, hand sanitizers, and laundry products. All product packaging is as simple as possible.

The shape and structure of the POM beverage bottle helped it “show” its own characteristics on the shelf.

Link appearance and structure
"For the treasure hunt, the shape and structure of the packaging is very important." Williams explained: "The eye sees color, but the appearance is an important way for people to look at your packaging."

The supermarket environment may increase the value of the appearance. In these stores, the aisles are more spacious. Compared with traditional department stores, shoppers can get closer to the shelves.

“When you see an item from a distance, the eye may first notice the shape, not the color,” Williams said. “They are all critical factors in the beginning of an exchange with the customer.”

For cost reasons, packaging suppliers often simplifies appearances, Williams continues, because using an existing package is much cheaper than creating a new one. "This will drown you in other similar packaging," he concludes.

According to Williams, the packaging of POM juice from POM Wonderful in Los Angeles is a very effective form factor. The theme of the packaging is the pallid pomegranate, which helped the company win a place on the shelves of department stores.

To effectively use the above five skills, it is required that packagers fully understand the product sales channels. The examples in this article show that if these techniques are used effectively, the power of packaging can significantly promote sales.