Don't complain again that there is no time for fitness. Six strokes teach you how to train


Weight loss fitness coaches often hear the students complain, the most common sentence is absolutely: "I have no time." This is not a good excuse. Just look at the six tips below and you will find that time is not really a problem.

First, include workouts on your schedule. Busy people must also arrange for training. For example, open your Google Calendar, Calendar, or Memo Pad to record it. Make sure you have time every day. If your schedule is always full, you also want to find time for your own fitness.

Second, keep the agreement. Now that exercise has entered your schedule, please complete it. Do not change, do not reschedule, or simply skip. You will never skip an important work conference. You will tell your boss, "I should not be present today." Your health and happiness are more important than anything else. You must be true to yourself.

Third, exercise - the first thing to do in the morning. There will be no major business meetings or doctors at 5:30 in the morning. This is the best time to exercise because it will never conflict with your appointment. Many people think that climbing up early in the morning is a very cruel thing, but after two weeks, you are guaranteed to get used to it.

Fourth, mixed training. On the first day, do HIIT training (high intensity intermittent training). The next day, lift heavy objects. On the third day, do yoga to increase joint activity. Why do so many people can not adhere to their own training program, the biggest reason is boring. Don't go running every day when you wake up. You should find something else to reconcile.

Again, training is fun. The more you feel when you are training, the more you will continue to practice. Lack of training for the first five days, long-distance cycling or hiking with family at the weekend.

Finally, join a fitness group. We face the fact that it is difficult for one person to “fight” to give up because nobody knows if skipping training or eating a whole cake. If you make acquaintance with a group of like-minded friends and join a group, you must train in a responsible manner. Because others are also supervising you. Having friends training together is like having a dedicated cheerleader who gives you the motivation to move forward.

With these six simple tips, you should be able to exercise. Remembering one sentence, the more coherent the training is, the more effective it is.