Telomerase activation successfully reverses the aging process of premature premature aging mice

Harvard scientists have recently rejuvenated old mouse organs and successfully reversed the aging process. This breakthrough achievement may hope to prevent diseases such as brain degeneration (senile dementia), diabetes and heart disease, and even hope to open the mystery of eternal youth. Further move towards the development of "elixir".

A scientific report from the Harvard Medical School of the United States was published on the website of the scientific journal Nature on the 28th. The researchers raised some genetically modified mice so that they lack premature aging due to the lack of "telomerase" (telomerase). Diseases such as shrinkage, infertility, and damage to the intestines and spleen cause their skin, brain, internal organs, and Other organs to age.

The so-called "telomere" refers to the repeating sequence of DNA at the end of a chromosome, and its role is to maintain the integrity of the chromosome. The length of "telomere" reflects the history and potential of cell replication, and is called the "mitotic clock" of cell life.

Male rats restore fertility

According to reports, the researchers divided the mice into two groups and implanted a time-released drug called "TERT" under the skin of one group of mice to restart their dormant "telomere" genes.

As a result, in just 2 months, mice injected with TERT grew many new cells, the function of the main organs improved, and the body was almost completely "rejuvenated". Among them, the male mice recovered their reproductive function. The experimental rats eventually lived to the lifespan of normal rats, but not longer than ordinary rats.

Dr. De Pinho, who conducted the research, said that the experimental rat is like a 40-year-old man, and his body is prematurely aging like an old man in his 80s. This experiment reverses the aging process and changes him back to 50. Average age.

De Pinho said: "These are severely aging animals, but after a month of treatment, they have had specific signs of recovery, including new cells from the brain." He pointed out that this is the first time that a mouse experiment has successfully treated the aging process. Reversal means that some aging organs may also "rebirth".

Raise the level of "telomere" or increase the risk of cancer in humans

However, it will be more difficult to apply this technology to the human body. Rats can produce telomeres throughout their lives, but humans will automatically "turn off" this in adulthood, thus preventing the growth of cells from running out of control and preventing them from becoming cancer. . Therefore, although raising the level of "telomere" in the human body may help slow the rate of aging, it also increases the risk of cancer.

De Pinho believes that if the "TERT" therapy is carried out in stages and is only used on younger people without cancer cells, the therapy may be safe for the human body. Cox, a biochemist at Oxford University, believes that this study is “very important” and proves that in principle, short-term restoration of “telomeres” in adults can regenerate old tissues and restore physiological functions.

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