Product image force - packaging winning terminal

Since the reform and opening up, various types of food companies have mushroomed in China. Faced with huge market capacity, each company’s competitive strategy is omnipotent and attempts to gain a foothold with its subjective judgments and strategic ideas. Development Opportunities. However, the actual market will not be transferred with its own subjective consciousness. Under the intensely competitive market environment, companies tend to become more open-minded, and their marketing problems and obstacles become more and more serious and complicated.

Due to differences in strategy and awareness and other factors, individual companies and brands have emerged as leaders in their field with their far-sighted strategy and tactical success. However, more than half of the companies’ market share continues to shrink, and their sales performance is linear. Declined and eventually faded out of the market.

The reasons for success or failure can be described as varied and varied; there are geographical factors of the company; quality factors of the marketing team; quality factors of the products; personality factors of the products; positioning factors of the target consumer groups; sales proposition factors; There are public relations and promotional factors; there are external image factors and so on. However, due to the particularity of the food industry, the image of the product is particularly important in the promotion of the entire brand, because the product image determines the promotional power of the terminal.

At present, in the Chinese market, the sales channels for food are mostly large-scale warehouse-style supermarkets, small- and medium-sized chain convenience supermarkets, and small convenience stores in residential areas. More than half of the purchase decisions of consumers are made at the terminal. Therefore, the external image of the product, namely packaging, can form a powerful visual impact on the various terminal shelves of various products. Can it be the first time? Occupy the eyes of consumers; whether it can stimulate the potential consumption of consumers will determine the final sales of the product.

The importance of product image is self-evident, but in the market, we can always see brands and products with serious image problems. In summary, “six degree planning” thinks that there are four aspects:

First, only art, no planning

Not long ago, a Japanese-funded company found us because of poor product marketing and hard work. After we conducted market research and analysis, we found a clear problem directly: The company clearly positioned breakfast foods with children as its core consumer groups, but at the first glance the packaging looked like animal food. Would such a product image be attractive? Cats are attractive, and consumers will buy it. Is it misplaced or not? Even such products that do not do a good job in basic work are investing a lot of advertising and promotion expenses every day. Trying to pull the terminal will be effective, and when will the resources be wasted to stop? The greater the intensity of such product image propaganda, the worse it can only accelerate the death of the product. When the author communicated with the relevant person in charge of the company, he learned that the product packaging was designed by a certain master figure in the industry. But no doubt, no matter what the master of the product packaging design, but also the lack of analysis and marketing positioning, can only be said to be an aesthetic performance of nothing, and product packaging image is for marketing services, there is no commercial value The arts are meaningless to the business. Commercial design is the perfect combination of marketing planning and artistic expression. Don't play with the arts. This kind of play will bring a hopeful enterprise to death.

Then, how to design product packaging, how to enhance the image of the product, how to enhance the terminal promotional power of the product? First, start with analysis and positioning. To identify the influencing factors of product culture, product physical attributes, product core values, product core audiences, audience preferences and psychology, and competitive image, and combine accurate positioning with creative performance to create a brand with distinct personality and outstanding differentiation. Image to please the target consumer groups.

Second, lack of clear communication topics, difficult to recognize

I can't wait to put all the relevant introductions of the product on the packaging. The result is a messy piece. All of them say nothing, but there is nothing to explain. The theme is not prominent, there is no clear idea, there is no clear communication theme positioning, There are many cases we have come across in this area. “Six Degrees of Planning” believes that the image of product packaging should be simple and neat, and focus on the core points of appeal to form a clear and powerful product awareness.

Third, the lack of unity of the image, difficult to identify

The same company, the same brand, the same type of product, and the various forms of packaging, all have different images. Consumers only tried to remember the individual product of the brand, but when the consumer saw the other products of the brand. The time is so unfamiliar, it seems to have never been seen. This is the result of product image confusion, lack of systematic and unified image planning. The brand is hard to identify and causes serious visual fatigue for consumers.

It should be noted that the image of product packaging is part of brand communication and is part of brand recognition. In addition to the analysis and positioning mentioned above, when planning the image of a series of products, it is necessary to determine the main image of a product image, determine Focusing on color, identifying constituent elements and theme ideas. Then, with the theme elements as the core, under the guidance of changing and invariable strategies, combining product elements, competition elements, and consumer elements, the overall product image will be unified, and individual products will have significant differences. Easy-to-identify brand image.

Fourth, serious homogeneity, lack of personality

Blind imitation, plagiarism, and ignorance; lack of understanding of the image of the competing product; or lack of insight into the purchasing factors of the target audience, which ultimately leads to the appearance of a similar product to the packaging image of the competing products on the market, and to the display on the terminal. All kinds of dazzling products are flooded and cannot jump out.
This kind of product image abounds in the market. Its core problem is the lack of unique brand personality. Product image without personality is difficult to form a niche point, and it is one of the main factors that cause consumers to visually identify fatigue. On the contrary, those brands with outstanding personality and obvious differences can always occupy the vision of the target audience and leave a deep impression. No matter what kind of personalized positioning must be able to be accepted by the target audience, the personality that can not be recognized by consumers can only be said to be characteristics or madness. &nb sp;

In short, the product image determines the terminal sales force of the product. Product image is only in depth analysis; distinctive, clear and precise positioning; unified and differentiated image planning; and powerful visual impact performance can produce the ultimate commercial value of the product.

Reprinted from: China Beverage Exchange

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